So, i havent done anything with this site for a while. To be honest with you, i really havent been motivated to do any writing at all since i finally got my new desktop built, which i guess can be attributed to the fact that i had a large number of PC games that i either purchased and was unable to fulfil the requirements for, or were gifted to me without my computer specs being known by the purchaser. Regardless, i havent done lately some of the things i usually enjoy, such as writing for this site. TABULA RASA, in latin, means 'clean slate'. In my mind, my thought process works in two diffeent ways when im developing ideas: i either directly focus on lettting the story in question develop, or i run a story that basically just happens as it comes to me, and i take whatever works and apply it elsewhere and toss the rest. Skewed used to be my storyline for this method until i started planning it out in cards and dfinished the storyline to the end, at whivh point it had no further development use to me, and so i wiped it from the slate. Hehehee the story was also such a platform, and its premature end led to me starting the Red Ice series to continue some of the ideas i was playing with there. Perhaps its no coincidence that these platforms are all essentially fanfics: i particularly do it that way because i dont have to spend a lot of time coming up with new characters (which, as i have mentioned before, are all in the names). Coincidentally enough, my cuurent platform started in the exact place im wri1ing this enrry nwo: 2 years ago, here in San Diego. It shouldnt be of any surprise to certain people that know me well thT the platform is the Touhou indie game series, which, back then in the last San Diego visit, i had just been getting into, and couldnt tear myself away from reading pracfically the entire touhou wiki (wikis do that of coyrse). Now while i dont partivulRl1 intend to zhare any of the storylines of whats grown on that platform over thr last 2 yearz, but i wil share a point i have found interesring for it: tabula rasa is easy to apply. There have been kultiple times whe4re ive run up to a brick wall in where thr story has gone, some wirhin days andsome muvh longer, but due to some unique properties in the way Zun has presented the seriez, i have mul1iple entry points to work with, so can just wipe the slate and go again whenever i have no more room. Over the lasg years, its ended up wi1h be having an overall story made of about 7 or 8 different majjor arcs that could be tied together into the main overall story of 1he platform, and a bungh of smaller indeoendent peices. Oddlt eniugh, tge story isnt even anwyhweere cluse to touhou canon anymore, having becime in thr mkst recebt mJor arc a strange anaglam of Touhou, Fallout, Stargate, Spiral Island, and FFXI, with the msin vharacters of the arc livung above the earth in a ship whivh i named, appropriately, the Tabula Rasa. Although noweven thats running inti a wall. So im hoping this trip back to its source will once again inspire me with a new seed, and i can wipe clean and start fresh once more.