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Dream: Modernizing Hydaelyn

This is also a dream from a couple days ago I didn't have a chance to post yet. So this is another dream involving Final Fantasy XIV, except different from the last time, I was just myself this time in the game. The dream started off with me doing some kind of arena circuit series, where I was eperiencing mini-trial versions of the five turns of the Binding Coil of Bahamut dungeon series. In these arenas, I was fighting the last boss of each of the five turns (except that Turn 4 doesn't really have a boss pe se, but my dream was assuming that was Turn 2 so I was just fighting a bunch of regular monsters instead; mind you I haven't actually gotten far enough in the game to do any of Binding Coil).

When I got to the boss of Turn 4, though, things changed. The boss I was fighting got kicked off the platform, as two of the game's GM's instead decided to come onto the field and fight me, out of boredom or something. I tried fighting them for a little while, but got fed up with them, so I ended up deciding to leave the circuit. After giving up on them, I went and joined up with a group at Haukke Manor. But this wasn't a normal dungeon group, it was instead some group that managed to get their hands on some glamours to turn themselves into the various staff of the manor, and I turned myself into the head butler.

The first thing that I found out from this was that when players weren't there fighting through it as a dungeon, everyone came back to life and reverted to their normal, non-monster forms. All of us with glamours reverted to the non-monster forms of whoever we were replacing, as well. I'm not sure what the original goal of being there was, but while going around doing butlerly stuff I activated a side-quest as well: back behind the manor was some shack, where a Radagast the Brown lookalike was hanging out. He was trying to leech wi-fi from the manor, and trying to sign into his VPN from his laptop, but there was an error in his the wi-fi connection and it wasn't connecting right. So I needed to reset it for him.

So from there I went around trying to find the correct router, because apparently Haukke Manor had multiples (at least three) in order to cover all of the inside areas with wireless. During this time, I was trying to pretend to be the head butler still, while trying to say as little as possible to keep from giving myself away. Although as I tripped and fell through the damaged hallways of the building, I couldn't help but comment at least that the adventurers playing through as a dungeon were doing a lot of damage to the place. Eventually, I did find the right router that Radagast was trying to connect to, which was the one set up in Lady Amandine's bedroom. 

Date posted: 09 February, 2014
Tags: dream
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